NORAH auf der Inter-Noise 2016 / NORAH at IN16
NORAH-Wissenschaftler auf dem Kongress ICA2016
Einige NORAH-Wissenschaftler werden Projekte auf der ICA 2016 (22nd International Congress on Acoustics) in Buenos Aires vorstellen:
NORAH scientists will present their projects at ICA2016 (Buenos Aires):
Guski, R., Klatte, M., Moehler, U., Müller, U., zur Nieden, A. & Schreckenberg, D. (2016). NORAH (Noise Related Annoyance, Cognition, and Health): Research Questions, Designs, and Main Results.
Müller, U., Elmenhorst, E.-M., Mendolia, F., Basner, M., McGuire, S. & Aeschbach, D. (2016). Effects of Nocturnal Air and Rail Traffic Noise on Sleep.
Spilski, J., Bergström, K., Möhler, U., Mayerl, J., Lachmann, T. & Klatte, M. (2016). Effects of aircraft noise on children’s reading and quality of instruction in German primary schools: results from the NORAH study.
Klatte_etal_2016_WP3_Childrens cognition and HQoL_IN2016-252.pdf (240,5 KiB)
Moehler_etal_2016_Acoustic basis_IN2016-288.pdf (628,3 KiB)
Mueller_etal_2016_WP2_Sleep_IN2016-175.pdf (342,2 KiB)
Schreckenberg_etal_2016_WP1_Annoyance_IN2016-137.pdf (995,3 KiB)
Seidler_etal_2016_WP2_Disease risks of traffic noise_IN2016-262.pdf (268,2 KiB)
zurNieden_etal_2016_WP2_Blood pressure_IN2016-202.pdf (763,5 KiB)
zurNieden_etal_2016_WP2_Hypertension_IN2016-298.pdf (670,1 KiB)